- Spread the toes wide, hold for a 3 count and pull them back together. Repeat for 7 reps.
- Tap flat bare feet on the floor for 30 seconds, like flippers, then start to press the big toe into the floor and lift the four toes, and alternate lifting your big toes off the floor and pressing the four toes into the floor. Do this for 10 sets.
- Loop a resistance band around the toe box area of the foot and flex and extend your foot for 30 seconds. Do that for two sets, alternating feet each time.
- Loop your band around both feet. Next will want to rotate your foot at the ankle joint, back and forth. Or evert and invert the foot for 30 seconds.

- Find a balance support, like a wall or the back of a chair, and begin with 30 calf raises using both legs (image not included). Next, stand on one foot and do try to do 20 calf raises through one foot at a time. Try this for several sets alternating right side and left side. To increase the challenge of step 5, use a stable prop, or a stair or the edge of an olympic weight plate and drop the heels below level. This can be performed using both feet together or using a single foot. Sets using both feet together should range from 20 to 30 reps each, for 2-3 sets total. Sets using one foot may range more like 15 reps each, for 2 sets, maybe 3. You want to feel some burn or fatigue set in, whatever it takes. :)
- To increase the strength and responsiveness of the feet, you will notice Carla is hopping from foot to foot in the first image. In the second, Carla hops at a wider distance AND she executes an increased heel lift at the end of her hop. Perhaps start drills like this for 20 second intervals, resting for 5 count between, for 3 sets. Eventually see if you can hop around for 1 to 2 minutes. Take your time, allow your body to condition to this.
In good health!