Recently, I was visiting the city of New Orleans and during this trip had decided to take a walking tour through the garden district. I like to take tours because I like to learn about the education of an area and I enjoy the unique insights from the person leading the tour. The character who led this particular walking tour was full of this type of information and, dare I say, entertainment. One of the many things he shared has continued to whirl around in my mind and is the inspiration of this writing.
In describing why the only Creole who had built a home in the Garden District didn’t continue to live in that home for long, he said that the life focus of Americans (his classification of the people who lived in the Garden District) was at odds with the focus of the Creoles. Americans, he explained, were focused on acquiring and displaying wealth. The Creoles, however, were searching for pleasure.
Now, I don’t know how true this statement is and as with everything am certain it was not so simple. It does, however, through its simplicity stimulate a consideration of where one falls on the continuum of life focus. If there were only two extremes, one focused on attainment and the other on experiences, then I suspect that many would say that their focus on attainment is so that they can have the experiences. The risk you take with this model is knowing when to make the shift. It is very easy to develop patterns that then become so comfortable, and known, that disrupting them seems too challenging. And when presented with the potential discomfort of change the brain might come up with all sorts of good reasons why now is not the time. In fact, the brain will never think it is time. Which is exactly the reason why you should do it now. Don’t wait. Even if you need to start small. Take the steps or just a step in the direction of living the lifestyle that you want.
And, as always, let me know how I can help.
Laissez les bons temps rouler!