Some of the ways I had listed for activating the vagus nerve (cold water, meditation, humming, etc.) may not appeal to everyone, so I wanted to introduce a more active method involving specific movements that can help activate the vagus nerve. You’ll do one side of the body at a time, then switch sides, all while seated.
2. Take your right hand to your right jaw/chin and gently push the head to look left.
3. Then push the head to look slightly up.
4. Next exhale as you rotate the torso and upper body towards the left, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee.
5. Take three deep, full inhales and exhales.
6. Slowly inhale and rotate back to center, releasing the hands.
7. Pause and notice any differences in the right side of the body versus the left, then switch and do the other side.
This technique is great to do at various times, like on your lunch break at work to help destress and reset for your afternoon, at the end of the work day and before bed, before and after those stressful holiday events that are coming up, and any time you’re feeling anxious. Anytime you need to go from fight/flight mode to rest/digest mode, this is a wonderful tool.