That step gets skipped a lot, and missing it can dry out the the cilia making it tough for them to do their job.
A lot of folks start picking up their neti pot as Autumn approaches. Here is your friendly reminder to replenish the moisture of the cilia afterwards by putting a little oil in the nose. You can use any type of oil that you’d ingest or even ghee. Use a finger, a q-tip or a little dropper, little dab will do it, light coating, works like a charm!
That step gets skipped a lot, and missing it can dry out the the cilia making it tough for them to do their job. Warmly, Carla
A lot of what I offer as a professional can be read about in books. In my experience, reading about yoga, meditation, fitness and Ayurveda does a wonderful job of generating curiosity, contemplation and connection to guidance. Beyond that reading does very little.
Nearly everything worthwhile that I have to offer requires participation in order for it to really be beneficial. With that in mind, an invitation to try a brief iRest practice. This practice offers a connection to a sense of wholeness. Curious? Try it! Warmly, Carla Oftentimes after cardio and stretching are completed, I lie on my back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor wide apart and allow the knees to rest against each other in what is called constructive rest position. I’ll usually choose a mantra to listen to, and recently, I’ve enjoyed this one, which promotes physical rejuvenation. Let me know what questions you have! Carla This simple practice takes a few minutes. See what it feels like for you.
Sit comfortably, keep your torso stable and without rotation. Inhale with your head center. Exhale turn your head right. Inhale center. Exhale turn your head left. Lie down with knees bent. Turn your eyes to the right and hold, keep the head centered and continue to breathe. Wait until a deeper breath arises. Do the same, turning the eyes to the left. Then come seated and repeat the original head turn. Notice any differences. Warmly, Carla We can gauge our developing appetite by our felt sense of hunger arising. At the other end of things, we often aren’t clear of a felt sense of fullness until it feels like maybe we’ve eaten a little too much. Have you ever eaten a wonderful meal and then felt a little too full? Have you ever thought about how we can tell when we are full?
From the Ayurvedic perspective, there are a couple of signs that indicate that the body is replete. One such indicator is that you will likely pause during a meal and take a deeper breath. The other is that you’ll have a little burp. Try paying attention to the possibility of these things when you’re eating, and notice if they arise. Body intelligence at its finest! Warmly, Carla
Warmly, Carla |
EQUIVITAThis blog is written and updated by the staff that support EQUIVITA. Individual blog posts are the thoughts of the staff member that submitted the post. The content of these posts often support the thoughts and ideas of our organization, but do not always(and we scarcely use definitives) reflect the same thoughts or ideas of the organization as a whole. Archives
November 2022
EQUIVITA is proud to serve our community for over 20 years. |