Physical ailments, injuries and pain can be categorized into 4 different categories: abuse, misuse, disuse and trauma. Trauma is probably the easiest of the categories to conceptualize because we can imagine the cause-and-effect connection. The others can be a little harder because it requires an understanding of how the body progressively works to find easier ways. And these easier ways are patterns that develop over time and require a retraining of how the body moves to correct.
Our fitness training clients come to us for 2 main reasons; those who are looking for an intervention aid to transition from where they are to where they want to be and those who are interested in the assurance of doing what they can to maintain their quality of life. The reason that we start every fitness training program with the initial assessment is to determine if there are these biomechanical “cheats” so that we can design the exercises to correct.
These “cheats” are patterns where your body places greater stress onto the joints, connective tissue and/or muscles that it is already used to using. Assessing how you use your body can identify these patterns even before they develop into damage and pain.
However, once they have developed into causing damage you must first reduce the irritation. In this acute stage you are best served to use a therapeutic intervention like Physical or Massage Therapy. As the acute phase or irritation eases you can start to teach your body a new way to move. Dependent on many variables this might involve simple exercise to strengthen weaker muscles and bring balance back to opposing muscle groups or more involved focus on trying to learn how to consciously contract specific muscles ( due to the “use it or lose it” progressive loss of conscious awareness and control of skeletal muscles).
Physical ailments that are long-lasting, chronic or recurrent are often due to the biomechanics of how your body is moving. Identifying those patterns is the first step toward making a real difference.
Fitness training at EquiVita is different not only because we developed a method for assessment of the body but that we have also designed systems to support the person.
From goals of appearance to function, we believe that your body should support the lifestyle that you want to have and it all begins with finding what is right for you.
As always, let me know how I can help.