For all of you who have joined us each month or any month in the last year, and those of you who have thought about playing along, we offer you the last Streak.
What better way to end the stretch December-December than by circling back to where we began? The December Appreciation Streak. I just scrolled through our Facebook page from last December, and felt my heart respond to the images we all posted. Let's do it again. It feels damn good. Whether this is vintage for you or whether you're new to streaking with us, we appreciate having you along. Yes, you.
You know, this is where we began, but it's never finished. I've read so many articles and such interesting stuff about how appreciation works with the heart and the brain this past year. Did you know that even trying to appreciate something affects your brain?! You can't go wrong with appreciating something. Anything. A person, place, thing, idea etc.
Take a picture every day. Yes. Every. Day. Post them to our Facebook page and/or our Instagram.
You will hear from us throughout the month of December via Facebook
and now Instagram(@ EQUIVITA)-- AND we want to hear from you too! Show us the little or big things you appreciate each and every day!
Happy practicing,
Carla and Tami
Drop us a line at [email protected] and [email protected] to let us know you're joining us, and check our EQUIVITA Facebook to see what everyone else is sharing.
For all of you who have joined us each month or any month in the last year, and those of you who have thought about playing along, we offer you the last Streak.
What better way to end the stretch December-December than by circling back to where we began? The December Appreciation Streak. I just scrolled through our Facebook page from last December, and felt my heart respond to the images we all posted. Let's do it again. It feels damn good. Whether this is vintage for you or whether you're new to streaking with us, we appreciate having you along. Yes, you.
You know, this is where we began, but it's never finished. I've read so many articles and such interesting stuff about how appreciation works with the heart and the brain this past year. Did you know that even trying to appreciate something affects your brain?! You can't go wrong with appreciating something. Anything. A person, place, thing, idea etc.
Take a picture every day. Yes. Every. Day. Post them to our Facebook page and/or our Instagram.
You will hear from us throughout the month of December via Facebook
and now Instagram(@ EQUIVITA)-- AND we want to hear from you too! Show us the little or big things you appreciate each and every day!
Happy practicing,
Carla and Tami
Drop us a line at [email protected] and [email protected] to let us know you're joining us, and check our EQUIVITA Facebook to see what everyone else is sharing.